get back to the old school! gotta love telnet!


House of Riches and Lovin

Chris has reached the top of his Business Career Track: Business Tycoon. Every morning of work, the corporate helicopter pics him up:

Chris's HelicopterHelicopter interior

This video is of the helicopter dropping him off. You may even be able to see him and another bystander covering their ears from the sounds of the helicopter. How cute. ;)

Also, Devon went from child to teen. I added a lil patch on his chin. I think it fits.

Devon as a child ------> chrisDevonTeen

But most interestingly...Chris's eldest, Sasuke. He's on full power with his Romantic Aspirations...well, as far as teenagers can go. First, Sharon's daughter, Payton. Next, Henson's daughter, Jordan. And by the way, Jordan is also going steady with Sharon's son, Seamus. Lil minx. Apparently, Sasuke is quite irresistible.

Sasuke's Lifetime WantPayton and SasukeSasuke and PaytonSasuke and JordanSasuke's Wants

Sasuke's first kiss was with Payton. Here's how it went:

And to finish things off... lovin, Mata style. Love the Woohoo.

SPECIAL EDITION NEXT TIME: Something real special. Something that PJ may kill me for. But since I only had a 5% chance of making it happen, it was well worth it. I'm so excited about this, that my kids' makeovers and Sha's infidelity can wait. That'll come in the days after. I hope I don't disappoint you ;)


Simbana in Action!

I finally set up a YouTube account and found a way to edit my video clips from Simbana. Now you can experience a part of the hilarity I experience every time I play Sims2. We'll start with the oldest ones first...and I'll upload more during the week so as to keep you all busy during work ;). If there's a Simbana moment you want me to capture, please feel free to ask. :D

1. The very first movie I took for Simbana! It's of Liss and me doing our secret handshake when Liss came out to greet me. The quality is horrendous, and the movie is pretty small. Why? I didn't remember to first fix the video settings on sims. So the video is on all the lowest settings.

2. Remember how I told you that Paul looked through his telescope during the day, and was pretty much spying on neighbors? Well this is the reaction from the neighbor being spied on. Jen's hubby, Dr. Daniel Jackson looked through his telescope during the day and spied on my house. I love the good doctor's face as I walk away at the end. niiiiiiice.

3. Twan & Ian make out. As Twan is pregnant with their love-child, Izaak.

4. Something unSimbana related. Paul and his magic shirt. Pay close attention because it happens fast! sorry for the bad was taken at a dark lounge.

::Simbana Updates::

Simbana University Building: PAR. Finished inside. Not to scale :D. Couldn't fit all the rooms hehehe.

PAR 1st FloorPAR 2nd FloorPAR 3rd FloorPAR 4th Floor

The Pitt/Leynes Estate. Aleysen finally becomes a child, baby Brendan becomes a toddler, and Ethan becomes a teenageer.

Aleysen as a ChildAleysen as a ChildBrendan as a ToddlerEthan as a TeenagerAbby's Uniform

Next time in Simbana: The Mata/Aguilera Estate, the Eads/Feliciano Estate, and movies about infidelity, breakups and crying! Farrell/Delatorre style!