get back to the old school! gotta love telnet!


f felician Sharon's sim!

OK! So Sharon is the first sim i'll introduce you to. why sha? well, i'm still trying to figure out the picture thing in sims, and hers has the best pics...well, at least the family one was great. I'm gonna try using thumbnails for now, and letting you click on the pics to see the bigger ones. if you guys don't like it that way, just tell me, and i'll put up the regular size pics, okiedokes? ok!

sha house frontsha house backsha fam4-5sha rub bellysha- colin paytonbabysha work

if you read the comments, you'll notice that yes! sharone is married to sexy-man-whore colin farrell! he's HAHT. oh man. hahaha...but yes, sha had her first baby on the roof. she was looking through the telescope, then BAM! contractions. ouch. and i think she had payton in the dining room. awesome.

so yes! and here is a preview for all you people out there. guess this person!


one more thing. if you've come across this site, and you want to be in on the neighborhood (and of course, i'm actually friends with you), then just ask, and maybe i can fit you in ;). but it'll take me at least a month. sweet. nitey nite!

2 eh!

Blogger Fatima said...

hahaha...yes, i would think so too sha. very proud and indeed. next thing you know it's one of theirs. hahahaha

5:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Fatima... think I could move into the neighborhood? It's Pamela Macario.

11:18 AM


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