get back to the old school! gotta love telnet!


receba à vizinhança!

or Welcome to the Neighborhood!i apologize for the long absence! i've been trying to make a hair mesh (the form of the hair), and it's HARD. that, and i've added 2 new couples to sims! i didn't spend alot of time trying to fix characters that look like them. i just pretty much tweaked the eyes and hair. the rest i didn't care about anymore hahaha. so! first, meet Jen Giron and Dr. Daniel Jackson! yeaaaah!
jenjen's couple portraitjen kissingjen housejen house

Next, we have someone who isn't an alum, but i heard she kinda wanted to be in Simbana. Thara Gagni and Harry Potter! hahahahahaha. yeah. i wasn't sure who to pair her with, but juvy found this out for me. awesome.
tharathara couple portraitthara smoochingthara housethara house

i know i've been making promises of what's to come, but you just need to be patient. next time: Guess That Teenager! and to come, Makeover Miracles! hahaha.