get back to the old school! gotta love telnet!


FOOD: part 1

well, i know it's been a while. been kinda busy ;). but i have not forgotten! one thing tho, i haven't got to play in a long time either...but good thing i took lotsa pics! so i just decided, since there are about 25 food items, i'd split up this section into parts. so here it is, Food: Part 1.

Here you'll find Brad Pitt making cereal, Juvy and John making omelets, Sharon making chili, Alicia Keyes making grilled cheese, Liss making hot dogs, ian making spaghetti (and also burning it) and Rachel preparing pork chops and lobster thermidor. i'll have to get the inbetweens and finished products for hers later :D

cereal 1cereal 2cereal 3omelet 1omelet 2omelet 3omelet 4omelet 5omelet 3chili 2chili 4alicia cookingalicia's grilled cheesespaghetti 1spaghetti 2spaghetti 3spaghetti 4spaghetti 5spaghetti 6liss grilling 1liss grilling 2liss grilling 3Rachel cookingRachel cooking

until next time!